認定NPO法人 自然再生センター



夏の恒例行事として地域の皆さんとの協働によって、天神川に繁殖した水草を刈り取ります。刈り取った水草は松江市内の畑へ搬入し、化学肥料に代わる土壌改善の資源として循環利用し、子どもたちに楽しく水辺に親しんでもらうための水質調査や生き物観察会も同時に実施します。 「きれいにする」という課題解決から、リピーターも増え、水辺に親しんでもらう事業になりました。 企業の社会貢献という視点から、中国電力松江営業所の皆さんと会社前の天神川の水草刈りも展開しています。


As a summer tradition, we collaborate with local residents to harvest aquatic plants that proliferate in the Tenjin River. The harvested plants are transported to farms in Matsue City, where they are recycled as soil-improving resources, serving as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. Alongside this, we also conduct water quality surveys and organism observation events to help children enjoy and connect with waterfront environments. This initiative, originally aimed at solving the problem of “cleaning up,” has grown into a popular activity that attracts repeat participants and fosters appreciation for the waterfront. Additionally, from the perspective of corporate social responsibility, staff from the Chugoku Electric Power Matsue Office participate in aquatic plant harvesting near their company’s premises along the Tenjin River.

This activity is conducted in collaboration with Matsue City and Shimane Prefecture, supported by donations from the community.



© 認定NPO法人 自然再生センター